Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema – What are the Symptoms and Causes?

Ayurvedic treatment for eczema in Kerala

Eczema can be well-defined as a non-infectious, chronic skin illness that leads to reddened, dry, and scratchy areas, where a clear liquid can be seen flowing from these inflated parts most of the time. According to Ayurveda for eczema, it is instigated when there is an imbalance in the doshas, which are in charge of certain physical purposes.

Some other factors accountable for this skin illness comprise the wired immune system, hormonal imbalance, occurrence of minerals and metals in hard water, smoking tobacco, and so on. Moreover, it is not a permanent skin illness for several individuals and is curable if you opt for Ayurvedic treatment for eczema in Kerala, or wherever you live. Let’s take a look to know about the signs, causes, and ayurvedic treatment for eczema.

Symptoms of Eczema

Dry, redness, and flaking skin are common in all categories of eczema.


• Your skin becomes itchy, raw, and injuries, and stings.

• These itchy bumps termed hives may raise on your skin.

• Fluid-filled wounds can happen that ooze and crust over.

• Over time, your skin can get thicker and more tiresome.

Causes of Eczema

Specialists don’t distinguish what causes eczema. It is instigated by a diversity of causes, including:

• Genetics

• Abnormal action of the immune system

• Activities that can make the skin more sensitive

• Flaws in the skin membrane supply moistness and germs for endocrinal illnesses such as thyroid disease.

• Ayurveda about Eczema

In traditional texts of Ayurveda, all the dermatologic situations are given a communal nomenclature ‘KUSTA’ which has 18 sub-groups. The signs and indications of eczema are well clarified in Ayurveda under the illness named ‘VICHARCHIKA’. Extreme consumption of watery, uncooked food, salty and spicy foods, fish, and incompatible foods, overwhelming the natural urges can be a leading causal factor for Vicharchika.

The humours Vata, pitta, and Kapha gets lessened and altogether distract the Dhatus (tissue component of body) lasika (lymph/plasma) causing kandu (itch), pidaka (popular rash), srava (watery or pus discharge), rukshata (dryness of the skin), Twak (skin), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle tissue).

• Ways to Cure Eczema from Root Level through Ayurveda

Management of eczema through Ayurveda relies on diversity, chronicity, and supremacy of specific humour. Wide variation of herbs like Aragwadha (Cassia fistula) Nimbi (Azadirachta indica), Haridhra (Curcuma longa), Khadira (Acacia catechu), etc. consuming good anti histamina, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties are suggested consequently by proficient Ayurvedic medical practitioners.

Herbal decoctions are also recommended as a portion of palliative treatment for your skin to recuperate its inventiveness much better than yesterday. Since most eczematous circumstances are because by an altered immune mechanism, all these herbs also shield your body from further defoliation by controlling the immune cells.

The above-mention information will help you know some important things about eczema. You can find one of the top ayurvedic hospitals and therapy centres for taking ayurvedic treatment for arthritis in Kerala, or elsewh


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